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Professor Rochelle Newman Named as Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences has honored Professor and Chair Rochelle Newman of the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences on being named as a Distinguished Scholar-Teacher for 2025–21.
Professor Rochelle Newman Named as Distinguished Scholar-Teacher - Read more

Undergraduate Research Day 2025!
Undergraduate Research Day 2025!
Undergraduate Research Day 2025! - Read more

Congratulations to Marina Cox and Danielle Zukerman for being selected as the 2025 recipients of the Karin E. Young Memorial Scholarship for students interested in pursuing a degree in Audiology!
Karin E. Young Memorial Scholarship Recipients - Read more

New Grant from the National Science Foundation!
Congratulations to Associate Professor Yi Ting Huang for having been awarded a new grant from the National Science Foundation! The grant explores how the sudden changes in social and economic circumstances that have resulted from COVID19 impact children's language-learning environments. This funding is via a special, rapid research response mechanism.
New Grant from the National Science Foundation! - Read more
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- Mahr, T., & Edwards, J. (2018, in press). Using language input and lexical processing to predict vocabulary…
- Evans, K., Munson, B., & Edwards, J. (2018, in press). Effect of imputed race on ratings of children’s speech…
- Huang, Y. T., & Snedeker, J. (2018). Some inferences still take time: Prosody, predictability, and the speed…
- Guo, L.-Y., Eisenberg, S., Bernstein Ratner, N. & MacWhinney, B. (in press). Is putting SUGAR (Sampl
- MacWhinney, B., Fromm, D., Rose, Y., & Bernstein Ratner, N. (2017). Fostering human rights through T