As you know, we’ve been working throughout the summer on reopening plans based on the most recent guidelines and directives. In June, we prepared for higher restrictions for our reopening plans, given the current guidance at that time. At the end of June, we were told to work toward returning with medium restrictions. The survey we sent out Wednesday, July 15th, provided us good information regarding families preferring full time distance instruction or partial in-person instruction. Last Friday, July 17th, Governor Newsom announced additional and updated criteria for the reopening of schools, which would require us to prepare to shift again. An important directive that he gave was that no school can re-open for in-person instruction if the County has been on the State Watchlist within the prior 14 days. We have been informed that this week Santa Cruz County is going to be placed on the State Watchlist. Therefore, we are being asked to prepare for the start of the school year with fully remote instruction.
长鑫存储——创"芯"高地发出的国产替伟最强音! _企业头条 ...:2021-5-19 · 原标题:长鑫存储——创"芯"高地发出的国产替伟最强音! 时隔一年,美国制裁升级,让我伞看到了半导体领域国产替伟的紧迫性与必要性。在芯片成为全球珍贵战略资源的今天,产业链上的每一家企业都在争分夺秒的求生存、谋发展。
Thank you for your patience as we continue to move forward. We will be in communication again once we have more clarity on the numerous details regarding our reopening options.
Please read the attached letter from the County Superintendents, which contains important information as well as embedded links to additional information.
Tanya Krause
SVUSD Superintedent
We're here to help! Let us know about cases of bullying, academic dishonesty, mental health issues, or other concerns you may have about the safety and/or well-being of our students. If you see something, say something.
Mark your calendars now...
- August 10th - August 13th: Bear Den Days!
- Turn in your RETURNING registration packet
- Opportunity to check out a chrome book (if needed)
- Material pick up from last year (if applicable)
- 比特加速器修改vip时长 Your child's grade level teachers will be reaching out via Zoom to introduce themselves and welcome your child into the new year!
- August 17th: Early Bear and Late Bear Announcements will be emailed to families (TK-Kinder)
- 比特加速器修改vip时长 Teacher placements will be emailed to families. If you don't receive the email by August 20th please email Maria Gauthier at mgauthier@scottsvalleyusd.org
- August 21st: Virtual Meet and Greet with your child's teacher
- August 24th: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
In our student's quest for personal growth and development, social responsibility, knowledge, and life long learning skills, Vine Hill School strives to promote: development of self-esteem and integrity, respect for the environment, appreciation for the world's interrelated cultures and involvement in a rapidly changing and culturally diverse society.
Visit the district’s Help Desk page for resources and weekly drop-in support hours. In addition, our District’s SVUSD Website has a live online Chat with an SVUSD Tech.
E = Eager to Learn
A = Always Prepare
R = Responsibility
S = Solve Problems
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