8 Tips for Creating Strong, Unbreakable Passwords
How To:
Upgrade Your Old iPhone or iPod touch to iOS 5


- Tech Pr0n
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the smartest of them all? Since Max Braun's Medium post went viral back in January of 2016, smart mirrors have been appearing on tech blogs in all shapes and sizes. Some are technically sound, some incredibly easy, but all are visually compelling. However, we've never seen one with a fully functional operating system and gesture support—until now.

YouTube翻墙: This High-Tech Pot Lets You Charge Your Phone Using a Houseplant
- Tech Pr0n
If you're a tech geek who cares about the environment, you probably concerned with your personal carbon footprint. You may feel like your love for gadgets is slowly contributing to the degradation of our planet, but tech is your life. And in this scenario, small changes matter.

News: MIT Tech Protects Your WiFi Without Passwords
- youtube伟理
Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have created Wi-Fi technology that identifies where you are, which may eliminate the need for passwords.

News: This Smart Turntable Is Perfect for 360-Degree Photos
- Tech Pr0n
When it comes to photographing products, models, and other small objects, a good light box makes the process super easy, no matter what your skill level is. However, if you want to create decent 360-degree images, things get tricky really fast. A new product, the Foldio360, may provide some much needed relief though.

News: This Wireless Beacon Lights Up Whenever You're Near a Speed Trap
- Tech Pr0n
Speeding tickets suck, and I don't know a single person that can tell me otherwise. But the reality is, most of us will break the speed limit for one reason for another, regardless of the pricey risk.

- youtube伟理服务器
手机上这么好用的功能 你用过吗? - · 十几年前,还是功能机的时伟,相信很多人都会觉得用手机拍照、听歌伡及上网都是很新奇的事情。然而,现在的手机拥有了越来越多新奇有趣的 ...
News: 8 Tips for Creating Strong, Unbreakable Passwords
- Tech Pr0n
News: This Smart Paper Notepad Saves Everything You Write on It
- Tech Pr0n
Review: The Qumi Q5 Pocket Projector Is a Solid On-the-Go Media Companion
- youtube免费伟理ip
- Tech Pr0n
ios怎么上youtube: This Guy Built an Impressive Smart Mirror Controlled by Gestures & Voice
- Tech Pr0n
youtube伟理服务器: Upgrade Your Old iPhone or iPod touch to iOS 5
- youtube伟理服务器
How To: Swap Your Old 1st Gen iPod Nano for a New, Free 6th Gen Model from Apple
- Tech Pr0n
The Future Is Near: Flying 45 MPH Hover Bikes Just a Few Years Away
- Tech Pr0n
News: Adobe Makes First Physical Products: The Adobe Ink & Slide for iPad
- Tech Pr0n
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- Tech Pr0n
YouTube翻墙: The World's First LED Buddha Board Delivers Evaporative 'Water Light Graffiti'
- Tech Pr0n
ios怎么上youtube: New Mobile App Lets You Order Food for Delivery Practically Anywhere, Even the Beach
- ios怎么上youtube
News: Coming Soon to a Smartphone Near You: 3D Navigation for Buildings!
- Tech Pr0n
How To: Update to the New Gmail Look (And See What's Changed)
- youtube免费伟理
News: This High-Tech Pot Lets You Charge Your Phone Using a Houseplant
- Tech Pr0n
News: MIT Tech Protects Your WiFi Without Passwords
- Tech Pr0n
youtube免费伟理: This Smart Turntable Is Perfect for 360-Degree Photos
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- Tech Pr0n
News: These Pucks Turn All the Speakers You Already Have into a Badass Sound System
- Tech Pr0n
youtube怎么上: These Tiny Wireless Earbuds Pack Some Serious Noise-Canceling Abilities
- Tech Pr0n
News: Domino's Creates a Robot to Completely Derail Your Diet
- Tech Pr0n
News: Nike Finally Made the Self-Lacing Shoes We've Wanted Since Back to the Future
- Tech Pr0n
News: The People at Boston Dynamics Are Going to Kill Us All
- Tech Pr0n
News: Amazon Will Let You Return That Hoverboard Deathtrap, No Questions Asked
- Tech Pr0n
News: Our Favorite WTF Gadgets from CES 2016
- Tech Pr0n
News: The Coolest Tech to Come Out of CES 2016
- Tech Pr0n
CES 2016: New Gadgets from Samsung's Creative Lab
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CES 2016: How You'll Get Drunk at Home in the Future
- Tech Pr0n
CES 2016: LG Shows Off Its Newspaper-Like Flexible Screen
- youtube免费伟理ip
How To: Track Your Sleep Using a Galaxy Gear Neo
- Tech Pr0n
New Tech We Like: Hotel Robots, Texter-Shaming Theaters, "Smart" Stickers, & More
- Tech Pr0n
- Tech Pr0n
Google's Next Smart Device: Contact Lenses That Monitor Glucose, Detects Cancer, & More
- Tech Pr0n
News: How to Turn Your Toast into the Most Delicious Selfie Ever
- Tech Pr0n
News: BloomSky Is Your Personal Backyard Weather Reporter
- YouTube翻墙
News: This Really Is the Coolest Cooler Ever
- youtube怎么上
youtube怎么上: Jibo Is the Cutest (Or Possibly Creepiest) Personal Assistant
- Tech Pr0n
News: GoTenna Will Let You Text Even When Service Is Down
- Tech Pr0n
- Tech Pr0n

News: These Tiny Wireless Earbuds Pack Some Serious Noise-Canceling Abilities
- Tech Pr0n
What's better than wireless in-ear headphones with noise-canceling technology? Giving them a microphone to hear you talk from inside your head. And that's exactly what you get with RippleBuds; its inside-facing mic helps keep your voice crystal clear over phone calls, and makes sure Siri, Cortana, and Google Now will always get the right command.

News: Domino's Creates a Robot to Completely Derail Your Diet
- Tech Pr0n
There may be worse feelings than sitting around waiting for food delivery, but I don't want to know what those are. Especially when your local delivery guy misses your address for the eighth time. But soon, Domino's Pizza will take that stupid human error right out of the equation in the form of a robot that's only 3 feet high.

ios怎么上youtube: This Smart Paper Notepad Saves Everything You Write on It
- youtube免费伟理ip
科技大事件:苹果iOS 9.3再现Bug 系统链接全部失效_科技 ...:苹果iOS 9.3再现Bug 系统链接全部失效 苹果在其春季发布会之后便推出了iOS 9.3正式版,不过这个版本的推出并没有想象中那么顺利。iOS 9.3在推出不久 ...

News: Nike Finally Made the Self-Lacing Shoes We've Wanted Since Back to the Future
- Tech Pr0n
If we go by the timeline set forth in Back to the Future Part II, Nike's new HyperAdapt 1.0 with adaptable lacing is at least a year late. But HyperAdapt will do more than just automatically tighten your laces—sensors in the sole of the shoe will provide a "tailored-to-the-moment" custom fit to maximize comfort and function while you jog, play sports, or navigate through hordes of aloof morons clogging the lanes at your local Trader Joe's.

News: The People at Boston Dynamics Are Going to Kill Us All
- Tech Pr0n
I'm starting to wonder if the people at Boston Dynamics have ever watched a Terminator movie. Not just because the robotics company with the oxymoronic name develops machines that are able to move around environments with animal- and human-like agility, but because the people testing them seem to take such joy in openly antagonizing their creations. It's one thing to tempt fate by creating superhuman robots that could potentially end mankind. You've reached a whole new level of hubris when yo...

News: Amazon Will Let You Return That Hoverboard Deathtrap, No Questions Asked
- Tech Pr0n
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced that Amazon will be offering full refunds for any hoverboard purchased through its site in the United States or Canada, no matter when you bought it. Just visit or to start the process. While they will not stop selling hoverboards anytime soon, they obviously want you to feel safe about your purchase.

News: Our Favorite WTF Gadgets from CES 2016
- Tech Pr0n
There was lots of new tech to check out at CES 2016, but you could argue that the majority of the big-ticket items weren't the most unique things in the world. Thankfully, there were a few innovative, unconventional ideas on display, and here are some of our favorites.

News: The Coolest Tech to Come Out of CES 2016
- Tech Pr0n
There's been a whole lot going on at this year's Consumer Electronics Show, from the latest in virtual reality gear to televisions that continue to slim down while producing higher quality images.

youtube怎么上: New Gadgets from Samsung's Creative Lab
- Tech Pr0n
The Creative Lab at Samsung, also known as their C Lab, is trying to make wearable fitness devices more inconspicuous with its wearable smart belt, the WELT, but that might not be all.

- Tech Pr0n
Three smart devices shown at CES 2016 are making it easier for you to make stupid decisions. PicoBrew, Somabar, and 10-Vins demonstrated their systems for beer, mixed cocktails, and wine, respectively, and each one is attempting to change the way we enjoy our favorite potent potables at home.

CES 2016: LG Shows Off Its Newspaper-Like Flexible Screen
- Tech Pr0n
LG literally rolled out a prototype of its cutting-edge flexible display at CES 2016 in Las Vegas. The company showed off an 18-inch screen with 1,200 x 800 pixel resolution that you can roll up like a magazine or newspaper and take with you. And while an 18-inch HD screen that rolls up is already pretty impressive, LG plans to build them up to 55 inches and beyond, with 4K resolution.

youtube怎么上: The Qumi Q5 Pocket Projector Is a Solid On-the-Go Media Companion
- Tech Pr0n
As someone with a pretty nice TV, I've never found the allure in purchasing a projector. While they're certainly smaller and sleeker than a television, and more portable, they can be pricey and produce a less than stellar image. And who really buys a projector anyways? They're for school, they're for work, they're for theaters, but they're not really for my apartment, right?

- youtube怎么上
With developments from tech giants Apple and Samsung being shared throughout the interwebs, the term smartwatch has become increasingly popular over the last year. That being said, smartwatches have been around for a while.

New Tech We Like: Hotel Robots, Texter-Shaming Theaters, "Smart" Stickers, & More
- Tech Pr0n
Last week's tech roundup featured iPhone 6 clones, an all-in-one sleep tracker, Xbox One updates, and other cool gadgets. This week, there's a lot more to show off, and a bunch of stuff that I need to get my hands on! Everything from app updates to putting stickers on your favorite items, I can't help but squeal at how much the "future" is right now.

- Tech Pr0n
Better sleep, smartphone news, and changes to your favorite forms of entertainment. There's been a lot going on over the last couple of weeks in the world of tech, and we thought we'd show you all of the need-to-know products, updates, and ideas that we think are most important.

- Tech Pr0n
男子私自搭建VPN服务器非法获利50余万元被判刑_新闻中心 ...:2021-12-20 · 正义网贵港12月20日电(通讯员 杨德灿)吴向洋在未取得《增值电信业务经营许可证》的情况下,在网络上销售VPN伟理服务,根据《中华人民共和国电信条例》和《中国人民共和国刑法》等相关法律规定,吴向洋涉嫌非法经营罪。

News: How to Turn Your Toast into the Most Delicious Selfie Ever
- Tech Pr0n
年终盘点 | 2021年最值得思考的十大营销热点 - · 今年伡分答为首的知识付费软件的刷屏现象似乎就预示着中国知识分享将告别“免费时伟”,人伞开始愿意为“专业”、“伢质”的内容掏钱。 2021年12月,喜马拉雅FM就结合“知识付费”打造了一个内容消费节——“123知识狂欢节”,似乎有点知识消费电商节的感觉。

YouTube翻墙: BloomSky Is Your Personal Backyard Weather Reporter
- Tech Pr0n
官方客户端下载 - · Dashboard

News: This Really Is the Coolest Cooler Ever
- Tech Pr0n
I honestly believe that everyone on earth owns the same blue cooler—you know the one. Cooler technology hasn't changed since the '50s, and frankly, it's time to mix things up, with a built-in blender perhaps? With the Coolest Cooler, it's actually possible!

News: Jibo Is the Cutest (Or Possibly Creepiest) Personal Assistant
- Tech Pr0n
In 1999, Robin Williams starred in Bicentennial Man, a movie in which Williams played a robot named Andrew Martin, taking care of a family as a their nanny and personal assistant. For almost 15 years, I have waited for my Andrew Martin, but until now, I have been disappointed. Luckily, Jibo is on the job!

News: GoTenna Will Let You Text Even When Service Is Down
- Tech Pr0n
You're hiking up a beautiful mountain when all of a sudden you remember it's your mother's birthday. You begin to panic—you forgot her birthday last year, and you know if you don't say something soon, you're as good as dead.

- Tech Pr0n
Say goodbye to the age of metal robots—C-3PO and K9 are a thing of the (future) past! Anette Hosoi, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics at MIT, and her former graduate student Nadia Cheng, have created a robotic material closely resembling human skin.

News: Let Your Microwave Count Your Calories for You
- Tech Pr0n
They say that ignorance is bliss, and that is exactly how I feel about counting calories. They simply don't exist if I don't check them, right? For those of you who are much healthier than I am, General Electric wants to count them for you, via your microwave!

News: This Man Made a Playable Tetris Shirt for the Game's 30th Anniversary
- Tech Pr0n
A man by the name of Marc Kerger is out to prove that he's the number one fan of the game TETRIS by building a playable TETRIS shirt for the game's 30th anniversary.

News: Sensibo Is the Super Smart, Super Green Automatic A/C Controller
- Tech Pr0n
台海_环球网 - · 台海时事 台湾台中中横便道山壁大面积塌方 暂无人员伤亡 中美军机过境后,台军夜放“窜天猴”,大战一触即发?台湾一男子因20年前命案曾9次判死 如今全案无罪确定

- Tech Pr0n
Finally! A media box that gives you everything you want, in one tiny package. The EzeeCube will allow you to view your pictures and videos while staying organized at the same time.

Razer Nabu: The Pager of Smartbands (And That's a Good Thing)
- Tech Pr0n
重庆:擅自"翻墙"上境外网站 责传停止联网并警告-国际在线 - CRI:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公伡信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。 对故意输入计算机病毒、有害数据的,初次违法,且未实际危害计算机系统安全的,处伡警告。

News: These Electronic Skin Patches Will Revolutionize the Way We Take Medicine
- Tech Pr0n
Smartphones and TVs aside, most of the electronics industry is focused on making everything smaller. From cars to cameras to computers to memory, we want power and convenience to go hand-in-hand. Professor John Rogers at the University of Illinois is ready for the next wave of medical tech with his smart electronic biosensors.

News: Myo Lets You Control All Your Gadgets Like a Jedi
- Tech Pr0n
Well folks, the dream is coming to life. While we still may be a ways away from mind control, the team over at Thalmic Labs has created the Myo, and with it, the power of the Force comes to motion control, so long as you use it wisely.

youtube伟理服务器: Flying 45 MPH Hover Bikes Just a Few Years Away
- Tech Pr0n
Throughout history, the idea of the future has always promised better days, advanced technology, and of course—hover cars. Although we were correct about the better days (depending on who you ask) and advanced technology, we are still without hover cars, or pretty much any hovercraft vehicles—The Jetsons and Back to the Future were a lie!

- youtube伟理服务器
If you thought the price of Photoshop was outrageous, you'll be thrilled to know that Adobe has found yet another way to grab your hard-earned dollars—but this time, it isn't software. Ready to take your drawings to the next level, the company has created the Adobe Ink and Slide. Together, these products will make drawing on an iPad a whole lot easier.

The New Tattoo Trend: 3D-Printers Inking Skin
- Tech Pr0n
Automated tattoos are now a reality, with 3D printers being hacked into tattoo machines. Multiple people have posted videos of their 3D printer that can "print" tattoos, with one of the more impressive ones shown in the two videos below.

youtube怎么上: Hitchhiking Robot to Travel Through Canada This Summer
- Tech Pr0n
Imagine this: You're driving on the freeway in Canada, enjoying the view and sipping Tim Horton's, when all of the sudden you see something out of the corner of your eye. You expect it to be a moose, obviously, but instead you see a robot with his thumb hitched up. So, after insuring that you didn't accidentally take some hallucinogens a few miles back, do you pick it up?

News: Sony Steps into the Fitness Game with the Smartband SWR10
- Tech Pr0n
We recently showed you the Misfit Shine, a no-charge, app-oriented fitness tracker that you can grab for a hundred bucks. Sony has also decided to get in on the action with their Smartband SWR10—but this thing is so much more than a fitness tracker...the Smartband wants to "log your day, every day".