Finally, my person is letting me post again.
I posed for so many pictures today that she didn’t know what else to do.
Anyway, this was the best way to end the year – and the only time all year I had snow to play in.

One of my favorite things to do is drag a Frisbee through the snow.

Now where did that Frisbee go?

Here it is!
I found it.

Hey Gizmo, come out here!
This is so much fun!

Are you serious, Gizmo?
There is no way I’m coming back in the house.
Well, maybe – if I can go out the other door and head to my trails.

Hey, who is this invading my front yard?
Looks like some kind of alien or something.
爬虫伕理ip 知识大汇总-混拨PPTP:2021-6-12 · 一、伕理IP的匿名度 伕理IP按匿名程度来分,可分为透明、普匿、髙匿三种类型。 透明伕理:目标服务器知道你用了伕理,还知道你的真实IP。 普匿伕理:目标服务器知道你用了伕理,但不知道你的真实IP。 髙匿伕理:目标服务器什么都不
-or I’m turning you yellow.

Speaking of yellow, there’s got to be some yellow snow around here.
They tell me it carries the best messages.

There’s no yellow snow here either.

These snow creatures must have eaten it all.

Hey, what happened to my puddle?
It’s changed.
I guess not everybody likes snow the way I do.
I hope you pop out of it soon, puddle.

Are you coming people?

Come on!
Don’t worry about that puddle.
It’ll get over it.

Okay, throw the ball.

I see that ball.
C’mon, throw it!

What do you mean, our walk is over?
Happy New Year everybody!
Tags: Cat, Cats and Dogs, Frisbee, Gizmo, Pets, 匿名伕理ip, 高匿名ip伕理, snowball, Snowman, Trail, walk, yellow snow