If there ever was a warning sign from Earth, it happened this week.
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Earth Challenge 2025 will help fulfill our goal of engaging millions of global citizens.
Animal agriculture is one of the largest contributors to climate change.
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Plastic pollution impacts human and ecosystem health and everyday actions can lessen the problem.
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Be part of the largest environmental volunteer event in history.
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If we don’t act now, extinction may be humanity’s most enduring legacy.
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Use your voting power to protect our environment.
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Improving our shared environment by planting trees across the globe.
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Strengthening the environmental movement among the next generation of leaders: college students.
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We increase awareness and build environmental and climate literacy in students around the world.
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Vote Earth is a global initiative that mobilizes millions of people to demonstrate their concern for our planet by rejecting inaction and demanding change at the polls.
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No one should look away.
Statement from Earth Day Network
With your help, we can transform the world for a healthier, safer, more just and more sustainable future for all.
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