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Learn the basic functionality of The Transcript Center, the Clearinghouse's system to enable electronic transcript and data exchanges between K-20 educational institutions nationwide.

In this course you will learn how to leverage the Clearinghouse’s DegreeVerify service to add a degree record and fulfill degree verifications for your institution.

Clearinghouse and Ellucian experts will guide you through everything you need to know about implementing eTranscripts, including functionality, benefits, the implementation process, requirements, and best practices and resources.

New to the Clearinghouse or to the role of a registrar? Learn about the Clearinghouse’s Enrollment Reporting service, the NSLDS’ status requirements, and how enrollment data moves between your institution and the NSLDS, lenders, guarantors, and servicers.

In this course you will learn how to correct and resolve errors through the Clearinghouse Secure Site, including how to review and export error reports and how to correct specific enrollment errors.

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Learn the basics of file submission, working with a submission schedule to ensure your institution remains in compliance, and specific enrollment status’ and situations.

En este curso aprenderá los conceptos básicos del envío de archivos, trabajando con un horario para asegurarse de que su institución cumpla con los requisitos y el estado, y las situaciones específicas de inscripción.

Enrollment Reporting: NSLDS SSCR Errors
In this course you will learn how to correct and resolve errors through the Clearinghouse Secure Site, including how to correct specific SSCR errors.

Federal Financial Aid Enrollment Compliance Reporting
In this course you will explore the basics of Compliance Reporting, take a deeper look into topics about reporting your data, and a comprehensive look at the National Student Clearinghouse’s Enrollment Reporting service as it relates to both financial aid and registrar offices.

Introduction to the Clearinghouse
Learn about the National Student Clearinghouse, it’s history, mission, the services it provides to the education community at large, and how it saves your college or university lots of time, effort, and resources.

Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP)
Learn how it works, what needs to be done to get ready for the data submission intake window, submitting files, logging into the application, viewing file errors, as well as, file submission tips and best practices.

In this course you will learn about Reverse Transfer and best practices for policies, procedures, and technology and see a demo of how it works.

School Secure Site: User Administration & Getting Started
In this course you will get an overview of the Clearinghouse Secure Site, learn how to login, and how to manage users.

In this course you will learn about the SPEEDE server and who can use it, how to register with SPEEDE, how to login, download and upload files, and more about delivery times and testing.

StudentTracker for Colleges & Universities
The Clearinghouse’s StudentTracker Services provide powerful insights to it’s customers. This course will highlight the different versions of StudentTracker, how you can use it, and the different search options available.

StudentTracker for High Schools
Learn what StudentTracker for High Schools is, how you can use it, and the different search options available. Learn how to create and submit different types of files, how to read reports, and how this data is being used.

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Tennessee Transcript Center
Clearinghouse implementation experts guide you through application improvements, illustrate sending transcripts to other institutions through the Exchange, provide a high level overview of implementation, how to extract files from your SIS, common data errors, and the FTP upload process. They’ll also share best practices and resources.

Transcript Services
See an overview of the student ordering and school experience, how to use certain aspects of the Transcript Ordering application, and about additional add-on features.
Best practices, tips, and resources to help you stay in compliance and prepare for an institutional audit.
StudentTracker for Colleges & Universities Premium Service
Learn about the latest upgrade of StudentTracker®.
National automated solution for exchanging course and grade data to help eligible students receive the degrees they earned.
Research Center
National reports on trends in enrollment, completion, and student pathways.
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