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Can political and public criticism of my alma mater result in my BA being revoked 35 years later?
How could I make the results of a yes/no vote inaccessible unless it's unanimous in the affirmative, without a trusted third party?
Spelling Bee Bee Bee
Why would Voldemort put a boat in the Horcrux cave lake if he can fly?
Water at the scale of a cell should feel more like tar?
Cat, Quine, Hello World
Spaceships can't land, and no ships are coming. How to keep the crew alive?
Draw an ASCII-art rainbow
Could you run a CPU at a much higher speed, as a disposable item?
In an interview with a small video game company, should I comment about bugs I noticed in their game?
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Antisymmetry of a Matrix
Did they torture and kill a monkey during the filming of Andromeda Strain?
Why would an advanced civilization even want slaves?
What are the objectives of the TikTok ban?
What is “a place with a lot of wind“ called in English?
Hiking in Scotland under 21 without a car
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GMing with an overtuned skill monkey
My manager has scheduled a face-to-face lunch meeting. Am I out of line to refuse?
If God is no respecter of persons, how to explain Exodus 11:7?
Is there an equivalent of computation of physical processes in nature?
mostly realistic weapons to assault a planet from orbit
Bike temporarily feels like it switches into a lower gear when rapidly braking?
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